Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Exercise 2 Flickr

Barb C. was kind enough to design the Flickr exercise and did a great job. The blogging and Flickr activities already have clear instructions on the websites in which they are based, so we didn't have to add much.

This photo has absolutely nothing to do with this post--it's just a neat picture, although not so neat an experience for the owner of this plane.
We were at a chile fly-in in southern Ohio in 06. Suddenly a shout went up! A plane that had not been chocked or tied down was sliding into the lake. No one could reach it in time to stop it. Here you see a kayaker paddling by it to try to hook it with a rope to pull it out before the water damaged it more than it already had.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Look what I made playing with image generators! Staff members will enjoy it when they get to this part of 8N08.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


In an effort to be more "hip," 8 in '08 has become 8N08 (I know, I know, but we can try, can't we??)

The initiative will be introduced on 4/29 at our adult workshop and we plan to have four of the eight activities ready by then. Since all the other members of our Adult Planning Team are busy opening new libraries or holding down the fort in brand-new libraries and my branch is oldest, I'm in charge! Whoever thought 2 years old would be considered old?? We're the toddlers of the Medina County District Library world. But, since all the other branches are actually infants (bear with me on this analogy--I know it's a stretch), we're the "mature" branch. (OK, that's really a stretch!) Check out the picture of my branch!

Anyway, I've managed to get the activity on blogging completed while an old man plows my driveway. I feel guilty. But, he has a plow and we have shovels and the snow/ice mix is heavy. But, now he's taken out his shovel to sort of trim where his plow missed and here I am cozy and warm typing away on my laptop. I expect I'll feel better when I hand over the $30 he's making to do it.

Hope all the MCDL staff enjoy doing this as much as I am!