Friday, November 21, 2008

Give me space!!! And Bean there, done that...

Okay, now I've got your attention! If you didn't know, this guy is Sean Bean--who has a somewhat tenuous literary connection. I mean, he has acted in many movies based on books, after all! The Lord of the Rings series, Lady Chatterley, Patriot Games, Anna Karenina, and of course, Cornwell's Sharpe series. Which is where I found him, courtesy of my husband who, after listening to many of the books on audio, asked me to request the movies for him. I'm not quite sure he realized what he was starting. But...golly jeepers...what can I say? I'm an old married lady so hubby should feel quite safe in allowing me to ogle the guy.

And here he is...

So you can ogle him too. (And his baby--or at least someone's baby!)

Anyway--the real topic of this is a celebratory posting because I'm done (done, done, done!!!!) with creating the 8N08 exercises.

The last one is on social networking sites and I really struggled with it because I just don't get it. I mean, I do get the attraction for many people. It just doesn't work for me. Don't want people to know what I'm doing all the time and don't want to know what you're doing either. Not that I don't care about people. I just don't want to know. Despite this, I understand that it's just a different way of communicating and connecting with people. It's just not for me (says the person who has just blogged about her newly discovered fascination for Sean Bean! ). So, staff get to explore myspace, tour Shelfari, and create a profile on one of them or their choice of facebook or linked in.

As for me, I'll be the one doing the little celebratory dance in my office because I've finally completed the exercises. And, oh yeah, discovered Sean Bean to drool over.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Every reader her book...

Yesterday was our staff day and someone quoted Ranganathan's Five Laws. I had forgotten about them and wanted to put them somewhere I'd remember them more often. So, here they are courtesy of an online image generator. Also, the speaker had a power point presentation and the title page was from an image generator I recognized. I felt so techno-savvy because I thought, "Hey, I know how he did that!" And, better yet, so did many of our staff because they had to do that exercise as part of 8N08.
Still working on the last exercise, on Social Networking. To do it, I had to register on facebook and since it's for work, I used my work email. Wow! I would find it very distracting if I kept my work email on it--all those pokes and posting to my board and everything. I'll be glad when this one's done. And then my work here will be done...